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Day: January 23, 2018

Lesson 2 Activities (2.2: Activity Lifecycle and Instance State)

Task 1. Add Lifecycle Callbacks to TwoActivities

1.1 (Optional) Copy the TwoActivities Project

pada tahap ini hanya perlu menyalin folder twoactivities sebelumnya dan melakukan refractor (rename) dan sync

1.2 Implement callbacks in to MainActivity

1.3 Implement lifecycle callbacks in SecondActivity

1.4 Observe the log as the app runs

Task 2. Save and restore the activity instance state

2.1 Save the activity instance state with onSaveInstanceState()

2.2 Restore the activity instance state in onCreate()


Lesson 2 Activities (2.1 Create and Start Activities)

Task 1. Create the TwoActivities project

1.1 Create the TwoActivities project

1.2 Define the layout for the main activity

1.3 Define the button action

Task 2. Create and launch the second activity

2.1 Create the second activity

2.2 Modify the Android manifest

2.3 Define the layout for the second activity


2.4 Add an intent to the main activity

Task 3. Send data from the main activity to the second activity

3.1 Add an EditText to the main activity layout

3.2 Add a string to the main activity’s intent extras

3.3 Add a TextView to the second activity for the message


3.4 Modify the second activity to get the extras and display the message

Task 4. Return data back to the main activity

4.1 Add an EditText and a Button to the second activity layout

4.2 Create a response intent in the second activity

4.3 Add TextViews to the main activity layout to display the reply

4.4 Get the reply from the intent extra and display it

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