Task 1. Create the MinimalistContentProvider project

1.1. Create a project within the given constraints

1.2. Complete the basic setup

Task 2. Create a Contract class, a URI, and mock data

2.1. Create the Contract class

2.2. Create the URI

2.3. Add the MIME Type

2.4. Create the mock data

Task 3. Implement the MiniContentProvider class

3.1. Create the MiniContentProvider class

3.2. Publish the content provider by adding it to the Android manifest

3.3. Set up URI matching

3.4. Implement the getType() method

3.5 Implement the query() method

3.6. Implement the populateCursor() method

Task 4. Use a ContentResolver to get data

4.1. Get the content resolver

4.2. Define the query arguments

4.3. Decide on selection criteria

4.4. Process the Cursor