Dwimagita's blog

It's written to this way

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Lesson 8: Triggering, scheduling and optimizing background tasks (8.1: Notifications)

Task 1. Create a basic notification

1.1 Create the project

1.2 Build your first notification

1.3 Add a content intent

1.4 Add priority and defaults to your notification

Task 2. Update and cancel your notification

2.2 Implement the cancel and update notification methods

2.3 Toggle the button state

Task 3. Add notification actions

3.1 Implement the “Learn More” action

3.2 Implement the “Update” action


Lesson 7: Background Tasks (7.3: Broadcast Receivers)

Task 1. Set up the PowerReceiver Project

1.1 Create the Project

1.2 Register your Receiver for system broadcasts

1.3 Implement onReceive() in your BroadcastReceiver

1.4 Restrict your Broadcast Receiver

Task 2. Send and Receive a Custom Broadcast

2.1 Define your custom Broadcast Action string

2.2 Add a “Send Custom Broadcast” Button

2.3 Implement sendCustomBroadcast()

2.4 Register your Custom Broadcast

2.5 Respond to the Custom Broadcast

Lesson 7: Background Tasks (7.2: Connect to the Internet with AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader)

Task 1. Explore the Books API

1.1 Send a Books API Request

1.2 Analyze the Books API Response

Task 2. Create the “Who Wrote It?” App

2.1 Create the project and user interface

2.2 Set up the Main Activity

2.3 Create an empty AsyncTask

2.4 Create the NetworkUtils class and build the URI

2.5 Make the Request

2.6 Add the Internet permissions

2.7 Parse the JSON string

Task 3. Implement UI Best Practices

3.1 Hide the Keyboard and Update the TextView

3.2 Manage the network state and the empty search field case

Task 4. Migrate to AsyncTaskLoader

4.1 Create an AsyncTaskLoader

4.2 Modify MainActivity


Lesson 6: Testing your UI (6.1: Use Espresso to test your UI)

Task 1: Set up Espresso in your project

1.1 Check for the Android Support Repository

1.2 Configure Espresso for the project

1.3 Turn off animations on your test device

Task 2: Test for switching activities and entering text

2.1 Define a class for a test and set up the activity

2.2 Test switching activities

2.3 Test text input and output

2.4 Introduce an error to show a test failing

Task 3: Test the display of spinner selections

3.1 Create the test method

3.2 Access the array used for the spinner items

3.3 Locate spinner items and click on them

Task 4: Record a test of a RecyclerView

4.1 Open and run the app

4.2 Record the test


Lesson 5: Delightful User Experience (5.2: Material Design: Lists, Cards and Colors)

Task 1: Download the starter code

1.1 Open and run the Material Me project

1.2 Explore the app


Task 2: Add a CardView and images

2.1 Add the CardView

2.2 Download the images

2.3 Modify the Sport object

2.4 Fix the initializeData() method

2.5 Add an ImageView to the list items

2.6 Load the images using Glide

Task 3: Make your CardView swipeable, movable, and clickable

3.1 Implement swipe to dismiss

3.2 Implement drag and drop

3.3 Implement the detail view

Task 4: Add the FAB and choose a Material Design color palette

4.1 Add the FAB

4.2 Choose a Material Design palette


Lesson 5: Delightful User Experience (5.1: Drawables, Styles, and Themes)

Task 1: Create The Scorekeeper App

1.1 Create the “Scorekeeper” Project

1.2 Create the layout for the main activity

1.3 Initialize your TextViews and score count variables


1.4 Implement the onClick functionality for your buttons

Task 2: Create a Drawable resource

2.1 Create a Shape Drawable

2.2 Apply the shape drawable as a background

Task 3: Style your views

3.1 Create button styles

3.2 Create TextView styles


3.3 Updating the styles

Task 4: Themes and Final Touches

4.1 Explore themes

4.2 Add theme button to the menu

4.3 Change the theme from the menu

4.4 SaveInstanceState


Lesson 4: User Interaction (4.4: Create a Recycler View)

Task 1. Create and configure a new project

1.1. Create the project


1.2. Add support libraries to the build file

Task 2. Create a dataset

2.1. Add code to create data

Task 3. Create a RecyclerView

3.1. Create the main layout in activity_main.xml

3.2. Create the layout for one list item

3.3 Create a style from the TextView attributes

3.4. Create an adapter with a view holder

3.5 Create the view holder

3.6 Storing your data in the adapter

3.7. Create the RecyclerView in the Main Activity

Task 4. Make the list interactive

4.1. Make items respond to clicks

Task 5. Add a FAB to insert items

5.1. Add a Floating Action Button (FAB)

5.2. Add behavior to the FAB


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