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Day: January 27, 2018 (Page 2 of 2)

Lesson 3: Testing, Debugging, and Using Support Libraries(3.1 P: Using the Debugger)

Task 1. Create the SimpleCalc Project and App

1.1 Download and Open the SimpleCalc Project

1.2 Explore the Layout

1.3 Explore the app code

Task 2. Run SimpleCalc in the Debugger

2.1 Start and Run your app in debug mode


2.2 Debug a running app


Task 3. Explore Debugger Features

3.1 Step through your app’s execution

3.2 Work with Breakpoints

3.3 Examine and modify variables


Lesson 2 Activities (2.3: Start Activities with Implicit Intents)

Task 1. Create new project and layout

1.1 Create the project

1.2 Create the layout

Task 2. Implement “open website”

2.1 Define the openWebsite method

Task 3. Implement “open location”

3.1 Define the openLocation method

Task 4. Implement share this text

4.1 Implement the shareText method

Task 5. Receive implicit intents

5.1 Create the project and layout

5.2 Modify the Android manifest to add an intent filter

5.3 Process the intent

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