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Month: January 2018 (Page 2 of 2)

Lesson 3: Testing, Debugging, and Using Support Libraries(3.1 P: Using the Debugger)

Task 1. Create the SimpleCalc Project and App

1.1 Download and Open the SimpleCalc Project

1.2 Explore the Layout

1.3 Explore the app code

Task 2. Run SimpleCalc in the Debugger

2.1 Start and Run your app in debug mode


2.2 Debug a running app


Task 3. Explore Debugger Features

3.1 Step through your app’s execution

3.2 Work with Breakpoints

3.3 Examine and modify variables


Lesson 2 Activities (2.3: Start Activities with Implicit Intents)

Task 1. Create new project and layout

1.1 Create the project

1.2 Create the layout

Task 2. Implement “open website”

2.1 Define the openWebsite method

Task 3. Implement “open location”

3.1 Define the openLocation method

Task 4. Implement share this text

4.1 Implement the shareText method

Task 5. Receive implicit intents

5.1 Create the project and layout

5.2 Modify the Android manifest to add an intent filter

5.3 Process the intent

Lesson 2 Activities (2.2: Activity Lifecycle and Instance State)

Task 1. Add Lifecycle Callbacks to TwoActivities

1.1 (Optional) Copy the TwoActivities Project

pada tahap ini hanya perlu menyalin folder twoactivities sebelumnya dan melakukan refractor (rename) dan sync

1.2 Implement callbacks in to MainActivity

1.3 Implement lifecycle callbacks in SecondActivity

1.4 Observe the log as the app runs

Task 2. Save and restore the activity instance state

2.1 Save the activity instance state with onSaveInstanceState()

2.2 Restore the activity instance state in onCreate()


Lesson 2 Activities (2.1 Create and Start Activities)

Task 1. Create the TwoActivities project

1.1 Create the TwoActivities project

1.2 Define the layout for the main activity

1.3 Define the button action

Task 2. Create and launch the second activity

2.1 Create the second activity

2.2 Modify the Android manifest

2.3 Define the layout for the second activity


2.4 Add an intent to the main activity

Task 3. Send data from the main activity to the second activity

3.1 Add an EditText to the main activity layout

3.2 Add a string to the main activity’s intent extras

3.3 Add a TextView to the second activity for the message


3.4 Modify the second activity to get the extras and display the message

Task 4. Return data back to the main activity

4.1 Add an EditText and a Button to the second activity layout

4.2 Create a response intent in the second activity

4.3 Add TextViews to the main activity layout to display the reply

4.4 Get the reply from the intent extra and display it

Lesson 1: Build your first app (1.4: Learning About Available Resources)

Mencoba menggunakan basic template dan mengubah warna tab, nama aplikasi pada appbarlayout

menambahkan activity baru yang tersedia

contoh dalam menambahkan activity

tampilan setelah menambahkan activity “Navigation Drawer”

mencoba menambahkan sample yang tersedia 

sdk platforms merupakan tempat dimana kita bisa menambahkan versi android yang akan digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi baru agar sesuai dengan versi android yang ingin dibuatkan aplikasi

sdk update sites merupakan site-site yang akan membuat android studio tetap up-to-date agar fitur-fitur baru bisa dijalankan di android studio

Lesson 1: Build your first app (1.3: Working with TextView Elements)

pertama akan menambahkan text view dengan membuat atribut-atribut text view.

Menambahkan title, subtitle,dan text pada strings.xml

menambahkan scroll view tepat diatas textview article_text agar text paragraf yang dimasukkan ke strings article_text tadi bisa di scroll

jika di rotate maka text juga tetap akan bisa di scroll

terdapat active link web di dalam article text, active link tersebut bisa di klik dan akan terbuka melalui browser.

menambahkan linear layout pada article text.

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