Task 1. Create and configure a new project

1.1. Create the project


1.2. Add support libraries to the build file

Task 2. Create a dataset

2.1. Add code to create data

Task 3. Create a RecyclerView

3.1. Create the main layout in activity_main.xml

3.2. Create the layout for one list item

3.3 Create a style from the TextView attributes

3.4. Create an adapter with a view holder

3.5 Create the view holder

3.6 Storing your data in the adapter

3.7. Create the RecyclerView in the Main Activity

Task 4. Make the list interactive

4.1. Make items respond to clicks

Task 5. Add a FAB to insert items

5.1. Add a Floating Action Button (FAB)

5.2. Add behavior to the FAB